October 18, 2008

Chilis, ¡ay!

Normally, I'm not one for chilis, but these were so pretty that I couldn't resist buying them. I had to walk by the stall at the Union Square Greenmarket twice before temptation set in, and at $3.50 for a small pick-and-ch
oose carton, it wasn't that painful of a purchase (though my tongue begs to differ). Luckily, I've been cooking a lot of Indian food lately, and many of the recipes call for a chili or three.


Unknown said...

Dunno why this post made me remember that I had some Thai food the other day, and how good that one restaurant in Seattle was! Kinda random hahaha!

Christina said...

I had Thai last week and thought of Mae Phim too! We need to go back to Seattle. ...or just move there.